Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. James Thompson Independent Chairman of the Board 72 $207.5K - USD Male
Mr. Patrick Hawkins President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 52 $2.223M - USD Male
Mr. Jeffrey Oldenkamp Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Treasurer 50 $1.353M - USD Male
Mr. Drew Grahek Vice President - Operations 53 $827.8K - USD Male
Mr. Richard Erstad Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary 59 $792.9K - USD Male
Mr. Douglas Lange Vice President - Water Treatment Group 53 - Male
Mr. David Mangine Vice President - Industrial Group 65 $795.2K - USD Male
Ms. Shirley Rozeboom Vice President - Health and Nutrition 61 $687.3K - USD Female
Mr. Daniel Stauber Director 61 $69.97K - USD Male
Mr. James Faulconbridge Independent Director 55 $144.0K - USD Male
Ms. Mary Schumacher Independent Director 66 $154.4K - USD Female
Mr. Jeffrey Spethmann Independent Director 58 $129.5K - USD Male
Ms. Yi Tang Independent Director 47 $129.5K - USD Female
Mr. Jeffrey Wright Independent Director 60 $157.7K - USD Male