Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Donald Macleod Independent Chairman of the Board 74 $315.0K - USD Male
Mr. Jeffrey Niew President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 56 $5.459M - USD Male
Mr. John Anderson Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President 59 $1.974M - USD Male
Mr. Daniel Giesecke Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President 55 $1.491M - USD Male
Mr. Raymond Cabrera Senior Vice President - Human Resources, Chief Administrative Officer 56 $1.136M - USD Male
Mr. Robert Perna Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Company Secretary 59 $1.367M - USD Male
Mr. Keith Barnes Independent Director 71 $260.0K - USD Male
Ms. Erania Brackett Independent Director 48 - Female
Mr. Daniel Crowley Independent Director 60 $351.9K - USD Male
Prof. Dr. Hermann Eul Independent Director 64 $242.5K - USD Male
Mr. Didier Hirsch Independent Director 71 $264.5K - USD Male
Ms. Ye Li Independent Director 55 $250.0K - USD Female
Dr. Cheryl Shavers Independent Director 69 $255.0K - USD Female
Mr. Michael Wishart Independent Director 68 $245.0K - USD Male