Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Dr. Richard Moscicki Independent Chairman of the Board 70 $113.6K - USD Male
Mr. Frederic Chereau President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 55 $2.228M - USD Male
Ms. Cecilia Jones Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer 47 $2.043M - USD Female
Ms. Janice Olson Senior Vice President - Strategy and Portfolio Management - Female
Dr. Mariana Nacht Chief Scientific Officer 58 $946.3K - USD Female
Ms. Andrea Paul General Counsel, Company Secretary 41 - Female
Dr. Daniel Gruskin Chief Medical Officer 50 $1.539M - USD Male
Dr. Leon Chen Independent Director 47 $103.3K - USD Male
Mr. Mark Enyedy Independent Director 58 $82.02K - USD Male
Mr. Jeff Goater Independent Director 46 $76.77K - USD Male
Ms. Susan Kahn Independent Director 65 $40.31K - USD Female
Ms. Daphne Karydas Independent Director 49 $79.64K - USD Female
Dr. Mark Kay Independent Director 64 $156.6K - USD Male
Mr. Michael Wyzga Independent Director 67 $87.39K - USD Male