Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Richard Hawkins Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer 74 $1.273M - USD Male
Dr. John Mckew President, Chief Scientific Officer 58 $1.058M - USD Male
Ms. Lori Lawley Chief Financial Officer, Principal Accounting Officer 39 $692.0K - USD Female
Mr. Bradley Powers General Counsel 44 $853.1K - USD Male
Dr. Pisit Pitukcheewanont Chief Medical Officer - Male
Dr. Thomas Raffin Lead Independent Director 76 $97.69K - USD Male
Mr. Chad Johnson Independent Director 44 $75.19K - USD Male
Mr. Kevin Lalande Independent Director 51 $65.19K - USD Male
Dr. Joseph Mccracken Independent Director 70 $67.19K - USD Male
Dr. An van Es-Johansson Independent Director 63 $63.69K - USD Female
Ms. Lota Zoth Independent Director 63 $80.19K - USD Female