Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Tom Killalea Independent Chairman of the Board 55 $280.6K - USD Male
Mr. Dev Ittycheria President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 56 $13.23M - USD Male
Mr. Dwight Merriman Co-Founder, Director 54 $249.1K - USD Male
Mr. Michael Gordon Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer 53 $6.726M - USD Male
Mr. Jim Scharf Chief Technology Officer - Male
Mr. Cedric Pech Chief Revenue Officer 50 $7.685M - USD Male
Ms. Ann Lewnes Director - Female
Ms. Archana Agrawal Independent Director 45 $256.6K - USD Female
Mr. Roelof Botha Independent Director 49 $259.1K - USD Male
Ms. Hope Cochran Independent Director 51 $274.1K - USD Female
Mr. Francisco D'Souza Independent Director 54 $268.1K - USD Male
Mr. Charles Hazard Independent Director 55 $269.1K - USD Male
Mr. John Mcmahon Independent Director 67 $256.6K - USD Male
Mr. Brian Denyeau Investor Relations - Male