Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Julian Baker Independent Chairman of the Board 56 - Male
Mr. Bill Sibold President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 56 - Male
Mr. Alex Howarth Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President 54 $3.483M - USD Male
Dr. Rebecca Taub President of Research and Development, Chief Medical Officer, Director 71 $4.665M - USD Female
Mr. Brian Lynch Senior Vice President, General Counsel 61 $4.758M - USD Male
Mr. Ronald Filippo Chief Information Officer - Male
Ms. Carole Huntsman Chief Commercial Officer - Female
Dr. Robert Waltermire Chief Pharmaceutical Development Officer 59 - Male
Dr. Frederick Craves Lead Independent Director 77 $235.3K - USD Male
Mr. Raymond Cheong Director 41 - Male
Dr. Paul Friedman Director 80 $5.395M - USD Male
Mr. Kenneth Bate Independent Director 72 $248.4K - USD Male
Mr. James Daly Independent Director 61 $235.3K - USD Male
Dr. Richard Levy Independent Director 65 $240.9K - USD Male