Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Timothy Christen Non-Executive Independent Chairman of the Board 64 $226.0K - USD Male
Mr. Jagadeesh Reddy President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 51 $1.270M - USD Male
Mr. Todd Butz Chief Financial Officer $1.686M - USD Male
Ms. Rachele Lehr Chief Human Resource Officer 44 - Female
Mr. Ryan Raber Executive Vice President - Strategy, Sales and Marketing $1.688M - USD Male
Mr. Sean Leuba Senior Vice President - Corporate Development, General Counsel - Male
Mr. Allen Carlson Independent Director $200.0K - USD Male
Mr. Steven Fisher Independent Director $200.0K - USD Male
Ms. Jennifer Kent Independent Director 51 $196.0K - USD Female
Mr. Robert Mccormick Independent Director 62 - Male
Mr. Patrick Michels Independent Director $169.0K - USD Male
Mr. Jay Rothman Independent Director 63 $185.0K - USD Male
Mr. Stefan Neely Investor Relations - Male