Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Dr. Vithalbhai Dhaduk Independent Chairman of the Board 69 $107.9K - USD Male
Mr. David Barthel Chief Executive Officer, Secretary, Director 65 $350.0K - USD Male
Mr. George Kovalyov Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer 38 - Male
Dr. Catherine Pachuk Executive Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer 66 $325.0K - USD Female
Mr. Harrison Ross Vice President - Finance 31 - Male
Mr. Terry Brostowin Independent Director 63 $104.2K - USD Male
Dr. William Hearl Independent Director 65 $107.9K - USD Male
Dr. Nilesh Patel Independent Director 58 $263.0K - USD Male
Mr. Michael Stewart Independent Director 65 $270.5K - USD Male