$MVO Insights BETA


  • The tax rate (Income Tax Paid / Pretax Income) is 0.0% on average, which is well below the 21% corporate tax rate. It might be worth trying to understand what's going on.
  • Net Income is relatively inconsistent. When Net Income is inconsistent, it's hard to determine a value of the company you can feel confident in.
  • Net Income / Total Revenues is 91.88% on average. This is usually excellent. However, you're looking at a financial business, use caution because a high ratio could mean relaxing of standards, which means increased risk, which could lead to disaster in the future.

Pretax Income

Income Tax

Net Profits/Loss

Pretax Income YoY Change

Income Tax Rate

Net Profits/Loss YoY Change

Basic EPS

No data

Net Income To Revenue Ratio


  • Return on Shareholders' Equity has been 37.2%, which is great.

Return On Shareholders' Equity

Book Value

Free Cash Flow

No data

Free Cash Flow YoY

No data

Free Cash Flow Margin

No data