Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Kenneth Hartwick Independent Chairman of the Board 60 $286.8K - USD Male
Mr. Richard Swartz President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 59 $4.248M - USD Male
Ms. Kelly Huntington Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President 47 - Female
Mr. Tod Cooper Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer - Transmission and Distribution 58 $1.835M - USD Male
Mr. Don Egan Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer - Commercial and Industrial 52 - Male
Mr. William Fry Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, Secretary 48 $1.302M - USD Male
Mr. Bradley Favreau Independent Director 40 $190.0K - USD Male
Mr. Ajoy Karna Independent Director 56 $170.0K - USD Male
Ms. Jennifer Lowry Independent Director 54 $190.0K - USD Female
Mr. Donald Lucky Independent Director 60 $200.6K - USD Male
Ms. Shirin O'Connor Independent Director 59 $190.0K - USD Female
Mr. William Patterson Independent Director 68 $204.3K - USD Male
Mr. David Gutierrez Investor Relations - Male