Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Paul Freiman Independent Chairman of the Board 88 $82.99K - USD Male
Mr. Justin Hall Chief Executive Officer, Chief Compliance Officer, General Counsel 45 $365.0K - USD Male
Mr. Tommy Law Interim Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer 37 - Male
Mr. Mijia Wu Director 48 $45.49K - USD Male
Mr. Yongxiang Zheng Director 53 $42.69K - USD Male
Ms. Julie Garlikov Independent Director 52 $42.69K - USD Female
Ms. Swan Sit Independent Director 45 $63.99K - USD Female
Dr. Yenyou Zheng Independent Director 66 $78.99K - USD Male
Ms. Jody Cain IR Contact Officer - Female