Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Matthew Prince Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder 48 $599.7K - USD Male
Ms. Michelle Zatlyn President, Co-Founder, Chief Operating Officer, Director 43 $1.448M - USD Female
Mr. Thomas Seifert Chief Financial Officer 59 $36.93M - USD Male
Mr. Douglas Kramer General Counsel, Secretary 52 $22.23M - USD Male
Mr. Scott Sandell Lead Independent Director 58 $236.0K - USD Male
Mr. Mark Anderson Independent Director 60 $240.0K - USD Male
Ms. Maria Eitel Independent Director 58 $242.0K - USD Female
Mr. Mark Hawkins Independent Director 64 $429.1K - USD Male
Dr. Carl Ledbetter Independent Director 73 $253.5K - USD Male
Ms. Katrin Suder Independent Director 51 $240.0K - USD Female
Mr. Jayson Noland Head - Investor Relations - Male