Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Joseph Schierhorn Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer 65 $881.4K - USD Male
Mr. Jed Ballard Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President of the Company and the Bank 44 $470.5K - USD Male
Mr. Mike Baldwin President and Chief Operating Officer of Residential Mortgage 56 $451.5K - USD Male
Mr. Michael Huston President, Chief Lending Officer of the Bank 55 $515.7K - USD Male
Mr. Benjamin Craig Executive Vice President, Chief Information Officer of the Bank 48 $386.1K - USD Male
Mr. John Swalling Lead Independent Director 73 $76.00K - USD Male
Ms. Marilyn Romano Director 62 - Female
Mr. Larry Cash Independent Director 71 $55.85K - USD Male
Mr. Anthony Drabek Independent Director 75 $56.70K - USD Male
Mr. Karl Hanneman Independent Director 65 $59.25K - USD Male
Mr. David Karp Independent Director 56 $59.25K - USD Male
Mr. Joseph Marushack Independent Director 64 $58.40K - USD Male
Mr. David McCambridge Independent Director 67 $72.25K - USD Male
Mr. Krystal Nelson Independent Director 50 $64.25K - USD Male
Mr. Aaron Schutt Independent Director 50 $57.55K - USD Male
Ms. Linda Thomas Independent Director 69 $67.10K - USD Female