Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Eitan Oppenhaim Executive Chairman of the Board 57 - Male
Mr. Gabriel Waisman President, Chief Executive Officer 52 - Male
Mr. Dror David Chief Financial Officer 53 - Male
Mr. Adrian Wilson President of US subsidiary and General Manager Material Metrology Division 51 - Male
Mr. Gabi Sharon Chief Operating Officer 60 - Male
Ms. Sharon Dayan Chief Human Resource Officer 49 - Female
Dr. Shay Wolfling Chief Technology Officer 51 - Male
Mr. Zohar Gil Chief Marketing Officer 55 - Male
Mr. Effi Aboody Corporate Vice President and General Manager Dimensional Metrology Division 52 - Male
Mr. Avi Cohen Independent Director 69 - Male
Mr. Raanan Cohen Independent Director 67 - Male
Ms. Dafna Gruber Independent Director 57 - Female
Ms. Sarit Sagiv Independent Director 54 - Female
Ms. Zehava Simon Independent Director 64 - Female
Mr. Jonathan Eilat IR Contact Officer - Male