Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Dr. David Kabakoff Independent Chairman of the Board 75 $122.7K - USD Male
Mr. Michael Richman President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 62 $1.724M - USD Male
Mr. Steven Cobourn Chief Financial Officer 60 $993.3K - USD Male
Dr. Timothy Mayer Chief Operating Officer 58 $248.4K - USD Male
Dr. Sourav Kundu Senior Vice President - Development and Manufacturing 63 - Male
Mr. Kevin Shaw Senior Vice President - Legal Affairs 49 - Male
Dr. Sol Langermann Chief Scientific Officer 63 $990.5K - USD Male
Dr. Han Myint Chief Medical Officer 70 $953.3K - USD Male
Dr. Anne Borgman Independent Director 55 $90.17K - USD Female
Dr. Ellen Feigal Independent Director 69 $91.17K - USD Female
Dr. John Houston Independent Director 63 $91.17K - USD Male
Dr. Elaine Jones Independent Director $94.17K - USD Female
Mr. Chau Khuong Independent Director 47 $96.17K - USD Male
Mr. Garry Nicholson Independent Director 68 $93.67K - USD Male
Mr. Stephen Webster Independent Director 61 $101.2K - USD Male