Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Todd McKinnon Chairperson of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder 51 $412.2K - USD Male
Mr. J. Frederic Kerrest Executive Vice Chairman of the Board 46 $16.20M - USD Male
Mr. Brett Tighe Chief Financial Officer 43 $18.82M - USD Male
Mr. Shibu Ninan Chief Accounting Officer 48 $2.159M - USD Male
Ms. Kerry Ok Chief Marketing Officer - Female
Mr. Jon Addison Chief Revenue Officer - Male
Ms. Larissa Schwartz Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary 51 - Female
Mr. Benjamin Horowitz Lead Independent Director 56 $250.0K - USD Male
Ms. Shellye Archambeau Independent Director 60 $240.0K - USD Female
Ms. Emilie Choi Independent Director 44 $363.5K - USD Female
Mr. Robert Dixon Independent Director 67 $237.5K - USD Male
Mr. Jeff Epstein Independent Director 66 $250.6K - USD Male
Ms. Rebecca Saeger Independent Director 68 $244.0K - USD Female
Mr. Michael Stankey Independent Director 64 $249.0K - USD Male