Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Robert Ruhlman Executive Chairman of the Board 66 $4.588M - USD Male
Mr. J. Ryan Ruhlman President 40 $1.201M - USD Male
Mr. Dennis Mckenna Chief Executive Officer 56 $1.814M - USD Male
Mr. Andrew Klaus Chief Financial Officer 57 $1.139M - USD Male
Mr. John Hofstetter Executive Vice President - U.S. Operations 58 - Male
Mr. William Koh Vice President - Asia Pacific Region 53 - Male
Mr. John Olenik Vice President - Research and Engineering 52 - Male
Mr. Timothy O'Shaughnessy Vice President - Human Resources 52 - Male
Ms. Caroline Vaccariello General Counsel, Corporate Secretary 56 - Female
Ms. Maegan Cross Director 37 $45.00K - USD Female
Mr. David Sunkle Director 65 $99.20K - USD Male
Mr. Glenn Corlett Independent Director 79 $141.6K - USD Male
Mr. Matthew Frymier Independent Director 53 $131.6K - USD Male
Mr. Richard Gascoigne Independent Director 73 $131.6K - USD Male
Mr. Michael Gibbons Independent Director 70 $141.6K - USD Male
Mr. R. Steven Kestner Independent Director 68 $45.00K - USD Male