Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Timothy Knavish Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer 57 $2.861M - USD Male
Mr. Vincent Morales Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President 57 $2.745M - USD Male
Ms. Anne Foulkes Senior Vice President, General Counsel 60 $1.247M - USD Female
Ms. Amy Ericson Senior Vice President - Protective and Marine Coatings 57 - Female
Mr. Ramaparasad Vadlamannati Senior Vice President - Global Operations 60 $2.083M - USD Male
Mr. Brian Williams Vice President, Controller - Male
Mr. Michael Lamach Lead Independent Director 60 $300.0K - USD Male
Mr. Stephen Angel Independent Director 67 $330.0K - USD Male
Ms. Melanie Healey Independent Director 62 $315.0K - USD Female
Mr. Gary Heminger Independent Director 69 $310.0K - USD Male
Ms. Kathleen Ligocki Independent Director 66 $305.0K - USD Female
Mr. Michael Nally Independent Director 47 $300.0K - USD Male
Mr. Guillermo Novo Independent Director 61 $300.0K - USD Male
Prof. Dr. Martin Richenhagen Independent Director 71 $300.0K - USD Male
Mr. Christopher Roberts Independent Director - Male
Ms. Catherine Smith Independent Director 59 $325.0K - USD Female
Mr. John Bruno Vice President, Investor Relations - Male