Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. David King Independent Chairman of the Board 70 $317.2K - USD Male
Mr. Thomas Mccormick President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 60 $2.586M - USD Male
Mr. Kenneth Dodgen Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President 57 $1.431M - USD Male
Mr. John Perisich Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, Secretary 58 $1.471M - USD Male
Mr. Stephen Cook Lead Independent Director 73 $219.7K - USD Male
Mr. Michael Ching Independent Director $103.1K - USD Male
Ms. Carla Mashinski Independent Director 60 $217.2K - USD Female
Mr. Terry Mccallister Independent Director 67 $212.2K - USD Male
Mr. Jose Rodriguez Independent Director 64 $197.2K - USD Male
Mr. John Schauerman Independent Director 66 $212.2K - USD Male
Ms. Patricia Wagner Independent Director 60 $212.2K - USD Female