Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. J. Pieter Sikkel President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 59 $1.738M - USD Male
Ms. Flavia Landsberg Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President 55 $980.2K - USD Female
Mr. Scott Burmeister Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President 46 - Male
Mr. Dustin Styons Executive Vice President, Business Strategy and Sales 41 - Male
Ms. Tracy Purvis Executive Vice President - Business Services 61 $487.9K - USD Female
Ms. Fernanda Goncalves Senior Vice President - Chief Human Resources 43 - Female
Mr. William O Quinn Senior Vice President - Chief Legal Officer and Secretary 54 $724.3K - USD Male
Mr. Robert George Lead Independent Director 67 $147.6K - USD Male
Mr. Jamie Ashton Director 31 $117.1K - USD Male
Mr. Patrick Bartels Director 47 $32.57K - USD Male
Mr. John Alphin Independent Director 49 $27.50K - USD Male
Ms. Cynthia Moehring Independent Director 57 $130.1K - USD Female
Mr. Richard Topping Independent Director 60 $122.6K - USD Male
Mr. Tomas Grigera Investor Relations - Male