Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Gregory Maffei Executive Chairman of the Board 63 $4.692M - USD Male
Mr. David Rawlinson President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 47 $4.960M - USD Male
Mr. Brian Wendling Principal Financial Officer, Chief Accounting Officer 50 $326.1K - USD Male
Ms. Renee Wilm Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Legal Officer 49 $506.2K - USD Female
Ms. Eve Delsoldo General Counsel - Female
Mr. Albert Rosenthaler Chief Corporate Development Officer 64 $461.2K - USD Male
Dr. Evan Malone Director 52 $235.9K - USD Male
Dr. John Malone Director 82 $301.0K - USD Male
Mr. Richard Barton Independent Director 55 $259.1K - USD Male
Ms. Fiona Dias Independent Director 57 $273.5K - USD Female
Mr. Malcolm Gilchrist Independent Director 73 $281.4K - USD Male
Mr. Larry Romrell Independent Director 83 $285.9K - USD Male
Ms. Andrea Wong Independent Director 56 $324.4K - USD Female