Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Michael Grey Executive Chairman of the Board 70 $125.7K - USD Male
Mr. Gregory Flesher President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 52 $1.193M - USD Male
Dr. Niall O'Donnell Co-Founder, Director 50 $65.73K - USD Male
Mr. Michael Cruse Chief Operating Officer 51 $781.5K - USD Male
Dr. Alejandro Dorenbaum Chief Medical Officer 63 $477.7K - USD Male
Ms. Ashley Hall Chief Development Officer 51 $825.3K - USD Female
Ms. Roshawn Blunt Independent Director 48 $91.73K - USD Female
Dr. Eric Dube Independent Director 50 $79.94K - USD Male
Mr. Paul Hoelscher Independent Director 58 $262.9K - USD Male
Mr. Edward Mathers Independent Director 63 $75.73K - USD Male
Dr. Bali Muralidhar Independent Director 43 $25.73K - USD Male
Ms. Stacey Seltzer Independent Director 46 $75.56K - USD Female