Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Dr. Greg Campbell Executive Chairman of the Board 60 $35.30K - USD Male
Mr. Timothy Triplett President, Co-Founder 65 $793.7K - USD Male
Mr. Akinobu Yorihiro Co-Founder, Chief Technology Officer, Director, Chief Legal Officer 53 $793.7K - USD Male
Mr. Steve Handy Chief Financial Officer 55 - Male
Mr. Scott White Chief Operating Officer 60 - Male
Mr. Michael Ferris Chief Strategy and Growth Officer 65 - Male
Mr. Angelo Papadourakis Executive Vice President of Sales and Distribution 56 - Male
Ms. Jane Casanta Director - Female
Mr. Brett Hoge Independent Director 45 $22.06K - USD Male
Ms. Dottie Pepper Independent Director 60 $22.06K - USD Female