Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Ronald O'Hanley Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer 66 $18.00M - USD Male
Mr. Eric Aboaf Vice Chairman, Chief Financial Officer 58 $7.875M - USD Male
Ms. Yie-Hsin Hung President, Chief Executive Officer - State Street Global Advisors 60 - Female
Mr. Moulay Tahiri Chief Operating Officer 49 - Male
Mr. Ian Appleyard Executive Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer, Global Controller 58 - Male
Mr. Michael Richards Executive Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer 64 - Male
Mr. Brian Franz Executive Vice President, Chief Information Officer, Head of Enterprise Resiliency 57 - Male
Ms. Brenda Tsai Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer - Female
Ms. Yvette Clark Executive Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer 56 - Female
Mr. Bradford Hu Executive Vice President, Chief Risk Officer 59 - Male
Mr. Mark Shelton Executive Vice President, General Counsel - Male
Mr. Andrew Erickson Executive Vice President, Chief Productivity Officer and Head of International 53 $6.861M - USD Male
Ms. Ann Fogarty Executive Vice President, Head - Global Delivery - Female
Ms. Kathryn Horgan Executive Vice President, Chief Human Resources and Citizenship Officer 57 - Female
Mr. John Plansky Executive Vice President, Head of State Street Alpha 57 - Male
Mr. Aman Thind Executive Vice President, Global Chief Architect - Male
Dame Amelia Fawcett Lead Independent Director 66 $437.6K - USD Female
Ms. Marie Chandoha Independent Director 61 $325.6K - USD Female
Mr. Patrick de Saint-Aignan Independent Director 74 $395.9K - USD Male
Ms. Donnalee Demaio Independent Director 64 $338.8K - USD Female
Mr. William Freda Independent Director 70 $395.9K - USD Male
Ms. Sara Mathew Independent Director 67 $350.0K - USD Female
Mr. William Meaney Independent Director 62 $360.6K - USD Male
Mr. Sean O'sullivan Independent Director 67 $350.0K - USD Male
Mr. Julio Portalatin Independent Director 64 $295.0K - USD Male
Mr. John Rhea Independent Director 57 $343.0K - USD Male
Mr. Gregory Summe Independent Director 66 $295.0K - USD Male
Ms. Ilene Bieler Global Head of Investor Relations - Female