Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Douglas Evans Independent Chairman of the Board 58 $132.3K - USD Male
Mr. Antony Koblish President, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder, Director 57 $2.118M - USD Male
Mr. Roberto Cuca Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Secretary 55 $1.021M - USD Male
Mr. Peter Murphy Chief Commercial Officer 51 $936.8K - USD Male
Mr. Paul Talmo Chief Strategic Officer 56 $858.3K - USD Male
Mr. Kurt Azarbarzin Independent Director 60 $92.33K - USD Male
Mr. Vince Burgess Independent Director 58 $99.83K - USD Male
Ms. Lisa Colleran Independent Director 65 $104.8K - USD Female
Ms. Federica O'Brien Independent Director 65 $104.8K - USD Female