Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. John Brown Independent Co-Chairman of the Board 65 $11.53M - USD Male
Dr. Christopher Cleverly President, Director 56 $3.900M - USD Male
Mr. Dozy Mmobuosi Chief Executive Officer, Director 45 $605.0K - USD Male
Mr. Dakshesh Patel Chief Financial Officer, Director 62 $3.900M - USD Male
Mr. Kenneth Denos Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary 55 $7.280M - USD Male
Mr. Rory Bowen Chief of Staff 33 $6.785M - USD Male
Mr. Adewale Adebayo Independent Director 47 $2.917M - USD Male
Mr. Gurjinder Johal Independent Director 41 $5.703M - USD Male
Dr. Onyekachi Onubogu Independent Director 48 $2.937M - USD Male
Mr. Derrick Randall Independent Director 55 $2.937M - USD Male