Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Steven Sonnenberg Independent Chairman of the Board 70 $270.0K - USD Male
Mr. David Huml President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 54 $4.105M - USD Male
Ms. Fay West Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President 54 $1.727M - USD Female
Mr. Brock Christianson Chief Human Resource Officer, Senior Vice President - Male
Ms. Kristin Erickson Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary 50 $948.7K - USD Female
Ms. Barb Balinski Senior Vice President - Innovation and Technology 59 - Female
Mr. Richard Zay Senior Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer 51 $1.570M - USD Male
Ms. Azita Arvani Independent Director 60 $186.0K - USD Female
Ms. Carol Eicher Independent Director 64 $191.0K - USD Female
Ms. Maria Green Independent Director 70 $195.0K - USD Female
Mr. Andrew Hider Independent Director 46 $118.0K - USD Male
Mr. Timothy Morse Independent Director 54 $194.5K - USD Male
Mr. Donal Mulligan Independent Director 62 $205.0K - USD Male
Mr. David Windley Independent Director 59 $196.0K - USD Male
Mr. Lorenzo Bassi Vice President - Finance - Male