Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Jantoon Reigersman President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 41 $3.176M - USD Male
Mr. Oliver Foley Chief Financial Officer 39 - Male
Mr. Jeffrey Swart Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary 56 $1.467M - USD Male
Mr. Jay Ku Chief Revenue Officer - Male
Ms. Beth Mach Chief Communications Officer - Female
Mr. Robert Buce Independent Director 74 $215.0K - USD Male
Ms. Barbara Carbone Independent Director 64 $225.0K - USD Female
Mr. Brendan Harrington Independent Director 52 $310.8K - USD Male
Ms. Faye Iosotaluno Independent Director 43 $215.6K - USD Female
Ms. Erin Lantz Independent Director 43 $220.0K - USD Female
Mr. Zaineb Bokhari Vice President, Investor Relations - Male