Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. James Consagra President, Chief Executive Officer of United Bank 62 $2.332M - USD Male
Mr. W. Mark Tatterson Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Treasurer 47 $1.703M - USD Male
Mr. Ross Draber Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President 35 - Male
Mr. Darren Williams Chief Information and Risk Officer, Executive Vice President 50 $1.166M - USD Male
Ms. Anna Schultheis Executive Vice President, Corporate Secretary 63 - Female
Mr. Douglas Ernest Executive Vice President, Chief Credit Officer 58 - Male
Ms. Julie Gurtis Executive Vice President, President of United Bank 60 - Female
Mr. Matthew Humphrey Executive Vice President, Head - Wealth Management; Chief Executive Officer and President of United Brokerage Services, Inc. 43 - Male
Mr. Charles Mildren Executive Vice President, Chief Consumer Banking Officer; President of United 51 - Male
Mr. Michael Proctor Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Banking Officer 39 - Male
Ms. Ami Shaver Executive Vice President, Head - Human Resources 51 - Female
Mr. P. Clinton Winter Lead Independent Director 75 $166.3K - USD Male
Mr. Michael Fitzgerald Director 66 $368.3K - USD Male
Mr. Charles Capito Independent Director 68 $119.0K - USD Male
Mr. Peter Converse Independent Director 72 $241.8K - USD Male
Dr. Patrice Harris Independent Director 63 $120.0K - USD Female
Ms. Diana Jackson Independent Director 60 $88.60K - USD Female
Mr. J. Paul McNamara Independent Director 74 $150.5K - USD Male
Mr. Mark Nesselroad Independent Director 67 $158.8K - USD Male
Mr. Lacy Rice Independent Director 61 $85.10K - USD Male
Mr. Albert Small Independent Director 66 $109.8K - USD Male
Ms. Mary Weddle Independent Director 72 $135.5K - USD Female
Mr. Gary White Independent Director 73 $156.3K - USD Male
Mr. Richard Adams Chief Executive Officer, Director 54 $2.663M - USD Male