Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Dr. Robert Epstein Independent Chairman of the Board 67 $307.5K - USD Male
Mr. Marc Stapley Chief Executive Officer, Director 53 $4.935M - USD Male
Ms. Rebecca Chambers Chief Financial Officer 45 $3.323M - USD Female
Ms. Annie Mcguire Chief People Officer, Executive Vice President 43 $2.447M - USD Female
Dr. Phillip Febbo Chief Scientific Officer, Chief Medical Officer 56 - Male
Mr. John Bishop Lead Independent Director 78 $315.0K - USD Male
Dr. Eliav Barr Independent Director 58 $518.7K - USD Male
Ms. Muna Bhanji Independent Director 60 $300.0K - USD Female
Ms. Karin Eastham Independent Director 73 $315.0K - USD Female
Mr. Jens Holstein Independent Director 59 $318.4K - USD Male
Mr. Evan Jones Independent Director 66 $315.0K - USD Male