Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Dr. Patrizio Vinciarelli Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer 76 $657.1K - USD Male
Mr. James Schmidt Corporate Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, Corporate Secretary, Director 62 $756.0K - USD Male
Mr. Quentin Fendelet Corporate Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer 51 - Male
Mr. Alvaro Doyle Corporate Vice President, Chief Information Officer 55 - Male
Mr. Michael McNamara Corporate Vice President, General Manager - Operations, Director 62 $550.5K - USD Male
Mr. Philip Davies Corporate Vice President - Global Sales and Marketing, Director 63 $1.226M - USD Male
Ms. Nancy Grava Corporate Vice President - Human Resources 52 - Female
Mr. Claudio Tuozzolo Corporate Vice President, President - Vicor Power Components, Director 60 $682.1K - USD Male
Mr. Sean Crilly Corporate Vice President - Engineering, Power Systems 65 - Male
Mr. Robert Gendron Corporate Vice President - Product Management and Development 58 $557.1K - USD Male
Mr. Alex Gusinov Corporate Vice President - Engineering, Power Components 59 - Male
Mr. Andrew D'Amico General Counsel - Intellectual Property Matters, Director 62 $50.76K - USD Male
Mr. Samuel Anderson Director 66 $80.76K - USD Male
Mr. M. Michael Ansour Independent Director 69 $80.76K - USD Male
Mr. Jason Carlson Independent Director 61 $80.76K - USD Male
Dr. Estia Eichten Independent Director 76 $80.76K - USD Male
Ms. Zmira Lavie Independent Director 57 $65.76K - USD Female
Dr. John Shen Independent Director 58 $65.76K - USD Male