Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Sunny Sanyal President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 59 $4.521M - USD Male
Mr. Shubham Maheshwari Chief Financial Officer 52 $1.525M - USD Male
Ms. Kimberley Honeysett Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary 52 $1.119M - USD Female
Mr. Andrew Hartmann Senior Vice President, General Manager - Detectors 61 $1.073M - USD Male
Mr. Mark Jonaitis Senior Vice President, General Manager - X-Ray Sources 62 $1.058M - USD Male
Ms. Kathleen Bardwell Independent Director 67 $248.0K - USD Female
Dr. Jocelyn Chertoff Independent Director 68 $255.0K - USD Male
Mr. Timothy Guertin Independent Director 74 $245.0K - USD Male
Mr. Jay Kunkel Independent Director 64 $247.5K - USD Male
Mr. Walter Rosebrough Independent Director 69 $297.5K - USD Male
Ms. Christine Tsingos Independent Director 65 $262.5K - USD Female
Mr. Christopher Belfiore Director - Investor Relations - Male