Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Dr. Eric Floyd Chairman of the Board 61 $71.00K - USD Male
Mr. Gerald Bruce Chief Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, Commercial Operations Officer, Director 67 - Male
Mr. Vinay Shah Chief Financial Officer 60 - Male
Dr. Jeffrey Gudin Executive Vice President, Director, Chief Medical Officer 57 $285.0K - USD Male
Mr. Michael Dubin Independent Director 68 $65.00K - USD Male
Dr. Thani Jambulingam Independent Director 59 $69.00K - USD Male
Dr. Barbara Ruskin Independent Director 63 - Female
Mr. Jerrold Sendrow Independent Director 78 $65.00K - USD Male
Dr. Vanila Singh Independent Director 52 $65.00K - USD Female
Ms. Betsy Brod Investor Relations - Female