Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. William Wang Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder 59 $9.744M - USD Male
Mr. Ben Wong President, Chief Operating Officer 61 $6.780M - USD Male
Mr. Adam Townsend Chief Financial Officer 50 $4.572M - USD Male
Mr. Jerry Huang General Counsel, Company Secretary $216.0K - USD Male
Mr. Michael O'donnell Chief Revenue/Strategic Growth Officer 41 $4.084M - USD Male
Mr. John Burbank Lead Independent Director 59 $235.0K - USD Male
Mrs. Vicky Free Independent Director 52 $348.8K - USD Female
Ms. Julia Gouw Independent Director 63 $240.0K - USD Female
Mr. R. Michael Mohan Independent Director 55 - Male
Mr. David Russell Independent Director 59 $245.0K - USD Male