Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Robert Glaser Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer 60 $740.2K - USD Male
Mr. Brian Mcclain Interim Chief Financial Officer 59 - Male
Mr. Mike Cooley President - KONTXT, Messaging and Telecom - Male
Mr. Paul Dipeso President - SAFR - Male
Mr. Michael Parham Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary 58 $1.002M - USD Male
Mr. Bruce Jaffe Lead Independent Director 57 $234.2K - USD Male
Mr. Christopher Jones Independent Director 53 $135.9K - USD Male
Ms. Dawn Lepore Independent Director 68 $124.5K - USD Female
Mr. Erik Prusch Independent Director 55 $159.8K - USD Male
Mr. Michael Slade Independent Director 64 $141.4K - USD Male
Mr. Tim Wan Independent Director 51 $142.4K - USD Male
Ms. Kim Orlando Investor Relations - Female