Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. A. McElroy Non-Executive Independent Chairman of the Board 60 $242.8K - USD Male
Mr. Gary Fields President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 63 $3.401M - USD Male
Mr. Matt Tobolski President, Chief Operating Officer - Male
Ms. Caron Lawhorn Non-Executive Independent Vice Chairman of the Board 61 $223.1K - USD Female
Ms. Rebecca Thompson Chief Financial Officer, Vice President - Finance, Treasurer 44 $987.9K - USD Female
Mr. Dave Benson Vice President and President of BASX - Male
Mr. Rob Teis Vice President - Business Technology - Male
Mr. Stephen Wakefield Vice President and Executive Vice President of AAON Inc. 46 $911.8K - USD Male
Mr. Gordon Wichman Vice President , President of AAON Coil Products 35 $690.6K - USD Male
Mr. Casey Kidwell Vice President - Administration 44 $699.7K - USD Male
Mr. Norman Asbjornson Director 87 $156.0K - USD Male
Ms. Angela Kouplen Independent Director 49 $178.5K - USD Female
Mr. Stephen LeClair Independent Director 54 $175.1K - USD Male
Mr. David Stewart Independent Director 67 $171.1K - USD Male
Mr. Bruce Ware Independent Director 47 $169.8K - USD Male
Mr. Joseph Mondillo Director - Investor Relations - Male