Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Steven Elms Independent Chairman of the Board 59 $182.9K - USD Male
Mr. Adam Grossman President, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder, Director 46 $2.650M - USD Male
Dr. Jerrold Grossman Vice Chairman of the Board, Co-Founder 75 $177.4K - USD Male
Mr. Brian Lenz Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President 50 $1.601M - USD Male
Ms. Alison Finger Director 59 - Female
Mr. Bryant Fong Independent Director 50 $175.5K - USD Male
Mr. Lawrence Guiheen Independent Director 72 $172.8K - USD Male
Dr. Young Kwon Independent Director 51 $142.4K - USD Male