Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. David Aldrich Independent Chairman of the Board 66 $335.9K - USD Male
Dr. Ashish Chand President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 48 $2.932M - USD Male
Mr. Jeremy Parks Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President - Finance 47 $2.256M - USD Male
Mr. Brian Lieser Executive Vice President - Industrial Automation Solutions 57 - Male
Mr. Jay Wirts Executive Vice President - Enterprise Solutions - Male
Mr. Brian Anderson Senior Vice President - Legal, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary 48 $1.713M - USD Male
Ms. Leah Tate Senior Vice President - Human Resources 46 - Female
Mr. Douglas Zink Chief Accounting Officer, Vice President 47 - Male
Mr. Lance Balk Independent Director 65 $271.1K - USD Male
Mr. Steven Berglund Independent Director 71 $245.7K - USD Male
Ms. Diane Brink Independent Director 64 $250.7K - USD Female
Ms. Judy Brown Independent Director 54 $250.7K - USD Female
Ms. Nancy Calderon Independent Director 64 $246.5K - USD Female
Mr. Jonathan Klein Independent Director 64 $245.7K - USD Male
Ms. Vivienne Lee Independent Director 56 - Female
Mr. Gregory Mccray Independent Director 60 $374.8K - USD Male