Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Gerald Deitchle Independent Chairman of the Board 71 $250.0K - USD Male
Mr. Gregory Levin President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 55 $2.650M - USD Male
Mr. Thomas Houdek Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President 42 $742.9K - USD Male
Ms. Amy Krallman Chief People Officer, Executive Vice President 56 - Female
Ms. Kendra Miller Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary 48 $724.8K - USD Female
Mr. Gregory Lynds Executive Vice President, Chief Development Officer 61 $764.6K - USD Male
Mr. Putnam Shin Executive Vice President, Chief Growth and Innovation Officer 44 - Male
Mr. Brian Krakower Senior Vice President, Chief Information Officer 52 $647.5K - USD Male
Mr. Christopher Pinsak Senior Vice President - Operations 58 - Male
Mr. Alexander Puchner Senior Vice President - Brewing Operations 61 $143.3K - USD Male
Mr. Peter Bassi Lead Independent Director 73 $230.5K - USD Male
Mr. Gregory Trojan Director 64 $187.0K - USD Male
Mr. Lawrence Bouts Independent Director 74 $203.5K - USD Male
Ms. Bina Chaurasia Independent Director 60 $183.5K - USD Female
Mr. James Dal Pozzo Independent Director 64 $191.5K - USD Male
Mr. Noah Elbogen Independent Director 40 $175.0K - USD Male
Ms. Lea Anne Ottinger Independent Director 64 $195.5K - USD Female
Mr. Julius Robinson Independent Director 50 $183.5K - USD Male
Ms. Janet Sherlock Independent Director 57 $191.5K - USD Female