Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Bom Kim Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer 44 $1.931M - USD Male
Mr. Gaurav Anand Chief Financial Officer 47 $9.669M - USD Male
Mr. Harold Rogers Chief Administrative Officer, General Counsel 46 $6.914M - USD Male
Mr. Tae Jung Kim Vice President - Digital Customer Experience 43 - Male
Mr. Han Seung Kang Representative Director - Business Management 54 $6.777M - USD Male
Mr. Neil Mehta Lead Independent Director 38 $352.5K - USD Male
Mr. Jason Child Independent Director 54 $366.4K - USD Male
Mr. Pedro Franceschi Independent Director 26 $389.8K - USD Male
Mr. Benjamin Sun Independent Director 49 $312.5K - USD Male
Ms. Ambereen Toubassy Independent Director 50 - Female
Gov. Kevin Warsh Independent Director 53 $325.0K - USD Male