Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Willis Johnson Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors 76 $379.5K - USD Male
Mr. A. Jayson Adair Co-Chief Executive Officer, Director 54 $384.6K - USD Male
Mr. Jeffrey Liaw Co-Chief Executive Officer 46 $2.009M - USD Male
Ms. Leah Stearns Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President 43 - Female
Mr. Hessel Verhage Chief Operating Officer - Male
Mr. David Kang Chief Marketing Officer - Male
Mr. Neel Madhvani Chief Product Officer - Male
Mr. Stephen Powers Chief Business Development Officer - Male
Mr. Paul Kirkpatrick Chief Legal Officer, Company Secretary 48 - Male
Mr. Daniel Englander Lead Independent Director 54 $330.0K - USD Male
Mr. Matt Blunt Independent Director 52 $320.0K - USD Male
Mr. Steven Cohan Independent Director 62 $330.0K - USD Male
Mr. Stephen Fisher Independent Director 59 $310.0K - USD Male
Ms. Cherylyn Lebon Independent Director 57 $320.0K - USD Female
Mr. James Meeks Independent Director 74 $300.0K - USD Male
Ms. Diane Morefield Independent Director 65 $330.0K - USD Female
Mr. Carl Sparks Independent Director 56 $320.0K - USD Male
Mr. Thomas Tryforos Independent Director 64 $320.0K - USD Male