Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. David Peeler Independent Non-Executive Chairman of the Board 58 $77.72K - USD Male
Mr. Leonard Fahs Chief Executive Officer, Director 62 $4.273M - USD Male
Ms. Melissa Rasmussen Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President 46 $668.1K - USD Female
Mr. Patrick Moore Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President 59 $1.630M - USD Male
Mr. Bill Clark Chief People Officer, Senior Vice President 48 $857.4K - USD Male
Mr. Ravi Acharya Senior Vice President, Chief Technology Officer 48 - Male
Mr. Joe Vandette Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer 45 $1.017M - USD Male
Mr. Jared Brandman Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary 46 $877.2K - USD Male
Ms. Heidi Henneman Senior Vice President, Head of Stores - Female
Ms. Susan O'Farrell Director 60 - Female
Mr. Jose Armario Independent Director 64 $217.7K - USD Male
Ms. Virginia Hepner Independent Director 65 $230.4K - USD Female
Ms. Susan Johnson Independent Director 57 $217.7K - USD Female
Ms. Naomi Kelman Independent Director 64 $217.7K - USD Female
Mr. Thomas Taylor Independent Director 57 $234.8K - USD Male
Mr. David Tehle Independent Director 66 $239.1K - USD Male