Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. David Pace Interim Independent Chairman of the Board 64 $126.2K - USD Male
Mr. John Moore President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 53 - Male
Mr. Brad Bollner Interim Chief Financial Officer 51 - Male
Mr. Jared Vitemb Chief Compliance Officer, Vice President, General Counsel, Company Secretary 40 $552.7K - USD Male
Mr. Tom Bauer Vice President, Head of DSD 59 - Male
Ms. Stacy Loretz-Congdon Independent Director 64 $196.8K - USD Female
Mr. Bradley Radoff Independent Director 50 $147.6K - USD Male
Mr. Waheed Zaman Independent Director 63 $196.8K - USD Male