Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Shlomi Ben-Haim Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder 53 $3.808M - USD Male
Mr. Yoav Landman Co-Founder, Chief Technology Officer, Director 51 $2.039M - USD Male
Mr. Frederic Simon Co-Founder, Director, Chief Data Scientist 51 - Male
Mr. Ed Grabscheid Chief Financial Officer, Principal Accounting Officer 50 - Male
Mr. Jacob Shulman Chief Financial Officer 52 $2.884M - USD Male
Mr. Yossi Sela Lead Independent Director 70 $225.0K - USD Male
Ms. Jessica Neal Independent Director 46 $220.0K - USD Female
Ms. Elisa Steele Independent Director 56 $222.5K - USD Female
Mr. Andy Vitus Independent Director 49 $215.0K - USD Male
Ms. Yvonne Wassenaar Independent Director 54 $358.3K - USD Female
Mr. Barry Zwarenstein Independent Director 74 $225.0K - USD Male