Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Scott Flanders Independent Chairman of the Board 66 $94.50K - USD Male
Mr. Marco Fregenal President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Director 59 $1.428M - USD Male
Ms. Samantha Giuggio Chief Operations Officer for Fathom Realty 51 $498.7K - USD Female
Mr. Glenn Sampson Director 82 $117.6K - USD Male
Ms. Ravila Gupta Independent Director 60 $117.6K - USD Female
Mr. David Hood Independent Director 61 $147.6K - USD Male
Mr. Stephen Murray Independent Director 69 - Male
Ms. Jennifer Venable Independent Director 52 $132.6K - USD Female
Mr. Matt Glover IR Contact Officer - Male