Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Charles Szews Independent Chairman of the Board 66 $280.0K - USD Male
Mr. Daryl Kenningham President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 58 $5.471M - USD Male
Mr. Daniel Mchenry Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President 49 $2.110M - USD Male
Ms. Gillian Hobson Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, Corporate Secretary - Female
Mr. Darryl Burman Senior Vice President 64 $1.933M - USD Male
Mr. Peter Delongchamps Senior Vice President, Manufacturer Relations, Financial Services and Public Affairs 61 $2.013M - USD Male
Ms. Shelley Washburn Chief Marketing Officer, Vice President - Marketing - Female
Mr. Jamie Albertine Vice President - Corporate Development - Male
Mr. Lincoln Da Cunha Pereira Filo Director 63 $130.4K - USD Male
Ms. Carin Barth Independent Director 60 $290.0K - USD Female
Mr. Steven Mizell Independent Director 63 $265.0K - USD Male
Mr. Stephen Quinn Independent Director 67 $400.0K - USD Male
Mr. Steven Stanbrook Independent Director 65 $265.0K - USD Male
Ms. Anne Taylor Independent Director 67 $281.2K - USD Female
Ms. Mary Wright Independent Director 61 $280.0K - USD Female