Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. James White Independent Chairman of the Board 62 $281.0K - USD Male
Ms. Carla Vernon Chief Executive Officer, Director 52 - Female
Ms. Jessica Alba Founder, Director, Chief Creative Officer 41 $2.156M - USD Female
Mr. David Loretta Chief Financial Officer 56 - Male
Ms. Janis Hoyt Chief People Officer 66 - Female
Mr. Steve Winchell Executive Vice President - Operations and R&D 48 - Male
Mr. Brendan Sheehey General Counsel, Corporate Secretary 45 - Male
Ms. Kate Barton Chief Growth Officer - Female
Mr. Rick Rexing Chief Revenue Officer 64 $1.819M - USD Male
Mr. Michael Barkley Independent Director - Male
Ms. Katherine Bayne Independent Director 56 $220.9K - USD Female
Ms. Susan Gentile Independent Director 56 $215.8K - USD Female
Mr. John Hartung Independent Director 65 $298.2K - USD Male
Mr. Eric Liaw Independent Director 45 $213.4K - USD Male
Ms. Alissa Hsu Lynch Independent Director - Female
Ms. Andrea Turner Independent Director - Female
Mr. Steve Austenfeld Investor Relations - Male