Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Kevin Kim Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer 65 $3.560M - USD Male
Mr. Steven Koh Honorary Chairman of the Board 77 $180.6K - USD Male
Ms. Julianna Balicka Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President 45 - Female
Mr. Peter Koh Chief Operating Officer, Senior Executive Vice President 46 $750.0K - USD Male
Mr. Thomas Stenger Executive Vice President, Chief Risk Officer of Bank of Hope 64 $869.7K - USD Male
Mr. Jason Kim Senior Executive Vice President, Western Regional President of Bank of Hope 56 $343.4K - USD Male
Ms. Kyu Kim Senior Executive Vice President, Eastern Regional President of Bank of Hope 62 $761.8K - USD Female
Mr. Yoon-Suk Whang Lead Non-Executive Independent Director 77 $195.0K - USD Male
Mr. David Malone Director 72 $249.9K - USD Male
Ms. Lisa Pai Non-Executive Director 63 $125.9K - USD Female
Mr. Donald Byun Non-Executive Independent Director 71 $137.4K - USD Male
Mr. Jinho Doo Non-Executive Independent Director 67 $123.0K - USD Male
Ms. Daisy Ha Non-Executive Independent Director 48 $123.0K - USD Female
Mr. Joon Kyung Kim Non-Executive Independent Director 64 $137.4K - USD Male
Mr. William Lewis Non-Executive Independent Director 79 $137.4K - USD Male
Ms. Mary Thigpen Non-Executive Independent Director 63 $123.0K - USD Female
Mr. Dale Zuehls Non-Executive Independent Director 72 $137.4K - USD Male
Ms. Angie Yang Senior Vice President - Director of Investor Relations & Corporate Communications - Female