Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Hao Zhang Non-Executive Independent Chairman of the Board 55 $33.50K - USD Male
Mr. Xin He Chief Executive Officer, Director 50 $275.6K - USD Male
Mr. Larry Aichler Chief Financial Officer 55 $195.3K - USD Male
Mr. Chad Hoersten Chief Technology Officer 46 $126.0K - USD Male
Mr. Michael Belsky Independent Director 64 $34.50K - USD Male
Mr. Xianfang Liu Independent Director 70 $29.71K - USD Male
Mr. Chris Renn Independent Director 51 $28.00K - USD Male
Ms. Courtney Shea Independent Director 62 $36.50K - USD Female