Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Viki Hakmon Chief Executive Officer, Founder, Director 44 - Male
Ms. Moran Shamian Chief Financial Officer 42 - Female
Mr. Naor Bergman Chief Operating Officer 31 - Male
Mr. Oz Adler Director 34 - Male
Mr. Liron Carmel Director 37 - Male
Ms. Tali Dinar Director 50 - Female
Mr. Eliyahu Yoresh Director 51 - Male
Mr. Tomer Etzyoni Independent External Nominee Director - Male
Mr. Asaf Itzhaik Independent External Nominee Director 51 - Male
Mr. Moshe Revach Independent Director 45 - Male
Mr. Amitay Weiss Independent Director Nominee 62 - Male